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Gingham Style and Buffalo Check: Two New Sleep Styles Now at Sömn Home

We’re squaring off in our new fall/winter linen bedding collection.

Super excited to announce two new designs arriving as part of our Fall/Winter 2021 collection. Dare to be square because we’re breaking our traditional pattern with an eye-catching new duo, which features a striking Kidney Bean Gingham (Desert Pink + Kidney Bean) and our fresh Mineral Green Buffalo Check (Mineral Green + Off White).

As your sustainable bedding and towel brand, we’ve made it our mission to create home textiles that are timeless, versatile, and comfortable. From the choice of raw materials to the finishing details, we have a consistent goal of making your home as relaxing and peaceful as possible. Our new collection will result in spaces that are just plaid perfect.

Gingham Vs. Buffalo Check—What’s the diff?

Isn’t plaid plaid? In this case, no. While both styles feature alternating squares of colour in a checkerboard type effect, it’s important to understand the difference if you’re creating your perfect sleep space. 

Buffalo plaid 

First, let’s look at the origin of Buffalo check, sometimes called Buffalo plaid. The print is usually a larger pattern than you find in Gingham prints. And while colours don’t matter much anymore, a red and black scheme is traditional. It’s the rustic lumberjack pattern you see everywhere a.k.a the unofficial plaid of Christmas. And while no one is quite sure when it became affiliated with tree cutters, a little digging reveals Buffalo plaid is actually Scottish, traditionally affiliated with folk hero Rob Roy MacGregor. In fact, the red and black buffalo plaid is often simply referred to as the Rob Roy in Scotland.

Gingham plaid

The plaid that never goes away, Gingham entered the English lexicon around the seventeenth century. It was originally a striped fabric imported from India to England. The word originates from the Malay “genggang”— or striped. It was English who first wove into squares (much smaller than buffalo plaid) and it became associated with a kind of feel-good domesticity. Napkins, dishcloths, curtains--gingham’s made its mark. Common colour variations include red, white, or blue, usually interwoven with white. But times are a-changing, and today’s colour trends include mixing the focal colour with tan or muted variations, which provides more sophistication and subtlety than stark white.

Which is more popular?

Your preference comes down to personal taste. Gingham has been used the world over for centuries. It’s also a fashion perennial favoured by iconic brands like Miu Miu. Buffalo check was once commonly seen in flannel clothing, but today the cozy vintage vibe has been conscripted for use around the home. Think blankets, upholstery, and most recently our sustainable bedding collection!

Who’s Rocking Plaid?

For the most iconic celebrity to wear gingham, look no further than the yellow-brick road, where a Kansas farm girl flaunted her stuff, in the original red-soled shoes, no less. Buffalo has its following, too. You may see it in your very own kitchen—on the burly Brawny Man.

A Plaid by any other name

We’ve already mentioned Buffalo check is sometimes called buffalo plaid. Other common terms include Buffalo flannel, Buffalo plaid check, or even large gingham. Gingham, on the other hand, may be used interchangeably with gingham plaid and gingham plaid check.

Conclusion: Buffalo Check Vs. Gingham Plaid

Both additions to our linen line-up are made from 100% pure flax, grown without pesticides and herbicides. They are hypoallergenic and temperature regulating with self-cleaning properties. 

To assess which works best in your space consider the colour and pattern. Our Kidney Bean Gingham imbues spaces with warmth, its intricate pattern creates a focal point to spaces that are minimalistic and airy. For those looking for more subtlety, the Mineral Green Check melds more easily into spaces with a quieter design and a refreshing yet neutral palette.

All our linens are created from scratch in some of Europe’s oldest mills where textile heritage is evident, designed by the owner of Sömn Home in Vancouver, British Columbia.  For yourself or a friend, our new Gingham collection is an ideal gift to make the holidays extra cozy—but no one will object if you use them year-round.

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