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How To Live Sustainably Throughout Summer 

Our planet has undergone many changes in the past few months and it’s refreshing to see the earth healing itself as we’ve been hunkered down in our homes. 

As regulations start to relax, let’s not forget to be mindful of our continued impact on the environment. What are you doing this summer to live more sustainably?

Sustainable Living Tips for Summer:

Here are a couple of our favourite ways to live more sustainability in west coast Summers:

Conserve power

Summer means longer days and more daylight. Minimize your power consumption by spending your evenings outdoor. You’ll save on electricity costs and feel cooler just being outside.

You can also help keep your home cooler naturally by closing the blinds when the sun is beating down to help reducing heat and help your home stay cooler. 

Use cooling sheets

It’s hard to sleep when you are feeling hot! Ideally, we’re supposed to be sleeping in a room that is just below room temperature. Instead of blasting the AC or turning on a fan all night, consider lighter more breathable sheets and bedding for the summer. Linen sheets are a great option because they’ll do their part to help you stay cool on warm summer nights, and they're a sustainable fabric too. 

Can your seasonal fruits and vegetables

Get your canning supplies ready and can your fresh fruit and vegetables this summer. We know that produce bought in-season is cheaper and tastes so much better! Why not preserve what you can by canning fresh vegetables. You can even jar your own pickles, eggs, and nearly any vegetable or fruit. Homemade jam anyone?

Get a glass water bottle

We know the harmful effects plastic bottles have on our environment. Look for an eco-friendly water bottle made of glass to keep yourself hydrated. They’re not hard to find these days. Check your favourite local shops for ones made from local artisans to help support your neighbours too. Here is one that we love from Goodbeast!

Take time to unplug

Unglue yourself from your smartphone, tablet, and computer for a tech-free day or vacation. These devices use a lot of energy and you may be surprised to see what you can discover that’s NOT connected to a screen. Use your unplugging time to experience nature and reconnect with friends and family. 

Go camping

Camping may be one of the most sustainable vacations you can take. You’re often living off the land, barely using electricity (if you’re tenting), and you’re cooking your own food over the fire or a small BBQ.

Looking for more waste-free lifestyle tips?

For some inspiration on living a more waste-free lifestyle, here are two of our go-to sustainability bloggers and influencers you should be following, whether you’re new to implementing sustainability practices in your life, or it’s already a big part of who you are today. 

The Eco Warrior Princess

What started as one woman’s blog to share her thoughts on everything from fashion to politics, turned into a worldwide media business with contributors from all over the globe.  

What we love about the Eco Warrior Princess blog is that it covers so many different topics around sustainability. It doesn’t only talk about lifestyle and fashion, but also business, beauty, and wellness. It’s a great site to bookmark and read or subscribe to the newsletter. 

Trash is for Tossers Blog

Written by Lauren Singer, the Founder, and CEO of Package Free, the Trash is for Tossers blog advocates living a low- or zero-waste lifestyle. Lauren herself is a pioneer of the zero waste movement and only produced a 16oz mason jar of garbage over 8 years. She shares products and advice for reducing your own use of plastics through her product recommendations and eco-friendly tips. 


For the last part of this summer, think about how you are going to incorporate more sustainability practices into your life. We’d love to hear who you follow for sustainability tips, products, and news. Share them in the comments below.

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